I know I haven't been updating often, but I simply just can't find the time to! That's the repercussion for having fun all day. I haven't touched the comp for ages but it's okay 'cos I'm sure I'd be able to blog more often now.
The previous week was awesome. Out with Mommy, Dinner at Chomp Chomp with Gfs & Kbox the next day, baking with Shermaine & lovely Sunday spent with primary school pals. Life just can't get any better than this. Even this 2 weeks of boring lectures can't dampen my spirit yo. What's more, a quarter of it has already passed. Now let the photos speak, shall we? Have fun matching the photos with the different days!

@ Out of the Pan




Priceless expression

Sixuan yo.

Primary school pals



Christmas cookies!
No doubt I do feel cranky on other days. Ugh, it's time to do something about the mood swings of mine. I don't know why minor things just annoy the hell out of me. But come to think of it, some stuff are just repetitive and I'm getting so sick and tired of the same routine happening over and over again. Still, we're afraid to speak our minds for fearing of how things will unfold. I guess I'll just have to live with this truth.
P.s; I may be working for IT Fair! What a wise way to start my hols ;)
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