Visited Del's all new house and it was superb. You should have seen her room, her mom sure did a good job when Del told her she wanted a princess-like room. Ahhh, I'm super envious! It's time to really get down on my hands to do up my wall instead of just talking about it all day. But come to think of it, I wouldn't want a room all by myself. It'll be so cold and lonely, I don't like it! Plus you get to know more things while gossiping with your dear sis into the night ;)
I've been doing nothing but shopping lately. My house is in a mess now 'cause I'm too lazy to unpack my buys and they're all scattered everywhere. I better start doing something about it before Christmas comes. And Christmas means december's ending. Which means school's starting. Boohoo, I don't want!!

Foolz' Ball (Did I get it right?)


Del's princess room. I swear it looks better real life!

Met Belly for shopping ;)

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