I remember how much I detested SAJC last April. Unfamiliar faces and a totally new environment was misearble for me. (My girlfriends can tell you about it) But as time went by, life in this dreaded place became a tad more bearable, and it was all because of my best classmates and not forgetting our lovely teachers :) (Nov and Sherm cuzzie too!)
Those lame-till-you-drop jokes from Queenstown, our 09A01 special code of language and those bitchy times we all had. Truthfully, you guys were the source of my motivation and what kept me alive in Sa these 2 years. All the best for the big A's, I know you guys can do it.
And we all know this ain't goodbye, love y'all!

Spot the Teacher!

Ah lian-er Ms Seow who claims I'm the ah lian. Proof! A sec school boy tried to pick her up on her way home can you believe it?!

Motherly Chem teacher :)

Surprised Mr Hoi with birthday cake at Fish & Co & he had to hold onto a sparklers while standing on a chair. Embarrassed much? Hahaha.

Oxymoron: Ah Beng GP tutor!


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