I swore not to touch the comp before A's end but studying is sucha bore! It's such a drag and you get frustrated the very minute you stare into your notes. Things that keep you going during this period: Sinful buffets, excessive sleep (Day and night) and obsessive online shopping. Guilty much!
On a side note, no matter how hard I try, discouraging thoughts will be ringing somewhere at the back of my mind. What if I don't do well enough? What if I had no choice but to leave everything I have behind because I failed? What if things didn't turn out the way I wanted? For one thing's for sure, I've never tasted failure in my life. I've always gotten what I wanted. I know God is real, I know He has his plans for me. But a part of me just can't seem swallow the fact that this time, maybe this time would be the very time that I fail myself. My first time screwing things up; screwing my life up.
Ugh fml. But whatever the case it is, I just can't wait for this torment to be over. I've got so many things to blog about! And I'm missing my girls already, thank goodness I'm seeing them next week :) 10 days. Just another 10 days and I'll be on my way to freedom. Brace up guys!
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